by Marco Jeslie B. Tuazon
Publication Assistant

Capiz State University (CAPSU) with its aim to improve the management of its natural resources for optimum utilization presented its Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan (LUDIP) 15-year development plan, from year 2022 to 2038, to its stakeholders for consultation at CAPSU Roxas City Main Campus, Conference Room, April 3.
The legal basis of LUDIP is in accordance to Republic Act No. 11396: “An Act requiring State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) to prepare and implement a Land Use Development and Infrastructure Plan that shall include the construction and of dormitories for students and housing sites for employees”, designed for long-term development projects covering building structures and other land improvements to bring economic and social advancement and progress to the University.
The attendees, professional consultants, supportive internal and external stakeholders, LUDIP Technical Working Group (TWG), faculty and staff were warmly welcomed by Dr. Ma. Dorothee J. Villarruz, Roxas City Campus Administrations as she hoped for a fruitful discussion. Moreover, she gladly expressed her gratitude to the consultants who accepted the invitation and shared their expertise for the betterment of CAPSU.
Before proceeding to the consultation proper, the attendees and guests were entertained first with a song performance rendered by CAPSU Main Chorale, under the baton of Prof. Vivian B. Apuang, Associate Professor.
Dr. Dirk Diestro, Campus Planning and Development Chairperson, was the one who comprehensively presented the rationale of the activity.
Dr. Villarruz was the one who exemplary discussed the Proposed Framework of CAPSU Roxas City Main Campus LUDIP 2022-2038 and the Situationer’s Report to the attendees and consultants. A walkthrough video of future-proof CAPSU was shown in conclusion to her discussion.
The consulting specialists shared their insightful comments and suggestions after watching and hearing the presentations.
Ms. Lorelei Piansay, Planning Officer of the Roxas City government, congratulated CAPSU Roxas City Main Campus for coming up a LUDIP in a “very optimistic view”. Ms. Piansay interestingly asked about the Gabaldon Building, CAPSU’s historical heritage. Since there will be two annexes extension of the said building, she suggested to “rename the two annexes in other ways” instead of naming them as extension of the Gabaldon Building. Moreover, she underlined that it is impossible to expand and acquire more lots around the campus considering CAPSU is in the midst of residential and commercial areas. Additionally, she raised a question if “is it possible to decongest some academic [functions] to other campuses or satellite colleges?” in order to have some space and “make your LUDIP more implementable.” The queries and commentaries were well noted and Dr. Villarruz thank Ms. Piansay for sharing her recommendations.
Mr. Ronald Amigo, City Environment and Natural Resources Officer, recognized the hard work of the TWG before he underscored “the greatest constraint of CAPSU Main Campus is space”. He openly suggested, “If we cannot longer go up, why don’t you also try explore to go down? [To have] buildings or utilizing spaces underground.” His suggestion was well noted by the TWG.
Mr. Nacer Francisco, representative on behalf of Mr. Wilar De Los Santos, Planning Officer of the province of Capiz, commended the TWG for the “very comprehensive plan”. His commentary mainly focused on the less emphasis of dormitories for students and housing sites for employees in the actual plan. Furthermore, he brought up the need to or maximize the natural air ventilation of the buildings.
Mr. Viko Simplicio Jr., representative on behalf of Hon. Thea Faith Reyes, Board Member of the province of Capiz, expressed assurance that “the office of [Hon.] Thea Faith Reyes will help you [CAPSU].”
Dr. Alvin Lorenzo, Landholdings Director, underlined the need to allocate space intended for Disaster Risk Reduction.
A Certificate of Appreciation was given to the consultants for sharing their invaluable time and expertise to CAPSU.
Ar. Jico C. Monte, Campus LUDIP Chairperson, delivered a closing message expressing his gratitude to everyone who attended the LUDIP Consultation. “We are all in this together”, was one of his meaningful messages to everyone as he formally ended the program.
Present also during the activity were: Dr. Wennie F. Legario, Vice President for Administration and Finance; Dr. Cleo Jude J. Joaquin, University Business Affairs Office (UBAO) Director; Dr. Elmer Albaladejo, National Service Training Program (NSTP) Director; Mr. Arnel Van V. Alilegay, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (DRRMO) Director; Dr. Hazel D. Joaquin, Dean of the College of Education (COEd); Dr. Joel C. Villaruz, Dean of the College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT); Dr. Dennis L. Ledesma, Program Chairperson of the Bachelor of Industrial Technology (BIT) Program; Dr. Miraluna T. Sabid, Roxas City Main Campus Quality Assurance Chairperson; Dr. Imelda Bacanto, Project Management Director; Ar. Carmelo Bandillon, Project Management Officer; Engr. Allan Campos, Administrative Officer I/Civil Engineer; Dr. Amel Magallanes, Roxas City Unit Faculty and Employees Association (RUFEA) President; Dr. Hermiliza Ochon, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO); Engr. Marites Flores, LUDIP TWG; Engr. Ma. Corazon Barcenas, LUDIP TWG; Engr. Jessa Aurella, LUDIP TWG; Mr. Kent Jason Padillon, LUDIP TWG; Mr. Ervi Kile Bulquerin, Roxas City Main Campus Supreme Student Council (SSC) President/Student Regent; Ms. Rexiell Marie Degala, Vice President of Roxas City Main Campus Future Leaders of the Philippines (FLP); Mr. Louie Jay Corros, SSC Governor of COEd; Ms. Althea Bernice Capapas, SSC Governor of the College of Management (CM); Ms. Nicole Rose Bernales, SSC Governor of CEAT; and Ms. Rogie Ann Ibañez, SCC Governor of BIT Program.
The consultation activity ended as everyone, in unison, sang the CAPSU March.

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