Dr. Efren L. Linan, together with the key officials, students, faculty members and staff, is one with the Department of Energy in implementing energy efficiency and conservation in the government.
Hence, CAPSU now strictly implements the following:
- Strict implementation of airconditioning unit operations from 9am until 4pm at ACU at 24C and fan mode from 12nn to 1pm.
- Closing the doors and windows in air-conditioned spaces to prevent air leakage.
- Installation of light emitting diode (LED) lighting units.
- Turning off the lights during lunch breaks.
- Regular maintenance of ACUs.
- Monitoring of regular preventive maintenance (change oil, oil filters, etc.), trip tickets, daily dispatch and entry, and logbook.
- Monthly monitoring of electricity and fuel consumptions.
- Inventory of airconditioning systems, lighting systems, office equipment and service vehicles.