CAPSU bids adieu to the 12 Indonesian students who participated in SEA-Teacher Student Exchange Program.

A closing and testimonial program was held at CAPSU Dayao Satellite College Gymnasium on October 5, concluding the 26-day international pre-service teaching of the Indonesian delegates who were deployed in CAPSU’s partner public schools in the different parts of the province.

The ceremonies began with the processional entrance of colors, CAPSU key officials, SEA-Teacher Student participants, school heads and representatives from cooperating Department of Education (DepEd) schools, campus administrators and college directors, deans, and faculty and staff.

Prof. Irene S. Sequito, a faculty member at CAPSU Burias Campus led the singing of the Philippine national anthem while the 12 Indonesian delegates formed a chorale and sang Indonesia Raya, their national anthem.

Dr. Mary Ann B. Martelino, Vice President for External Affairs and Linkages, firstly acknowledged the massive help and support that this University has received from its stakeholders and partner agencies before she delivered her opening remarks.

In her message, addressing the DepEd officials and school heads of the cooperating schools, “Your positive response to the idea of having the SEA Teachers fielded in your schools and the support of cooperating teachers are perfect evidences that we Filipinos, regardless of the organizations we belong to, are capable of working towards a common goal,” Dr. Martelino expressed in deep appreciation.

Likewise, before she concluded her speech she imparted a message to the delegates, “To the 12 SEA Teachers who came all the way to this humble university, we are thankful for you. We hope that through your short stay at our university, your association with the Filipino teachers and students in the DepEd schools where you taught for a couple of weeks, and your adventures around the province of Capiz and the other neighboring provinces like Iloilo and Aklan instilled in you the love for diversity particularly for our culture. We may not have offered you the best of the world, but be assured that we have given you the best part of this world.”

Dr. Editha C. Alfon, SUC President III, then extended a warm welcome and expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all attendees, particularly the dedicated individuals responsible for the success of the event and those individuals who have generously rendered their utmost support to CAPSU’s commitment towards internationalization.

Addressing the 12 Indonesian SEA-Teacher Student delegates, “You have not just been guests in our schools and homes; you have become an integral part of our community. I hope that you have felt the warmth, hospitality, and kindness of the Filipino people through your CAPSU family. Remember exchange students, that this is not the end but a new beginning. The experiences you have shared and the friendships you all have forged may hopefully continue to inspire you. Carry all these lessons and the memories cherished forward, becoming ambassadors of quality education and goodwill in your own right.”

An audio-video presentation was presented to sum up the meaningful academic journey of the delegates.

Roxas City Mayor Ronnie T. Dadivas, represented by Ms. Cheryl Anne del Rosario, Director of Ang Panublion Museum, conveyed an inspiring message.

Dr. Marien A. Laureto, International and National Affairs Director, assisted the 12 Indonesian delegates as they shared their testimonials. To show mutual appreciation, a token exchange was done between the delegates and CAPSU.

“We are very thankful to CAPSU for providing us with a place to learn many things, especially to the Main Campus and Dayao [Satellite College] family. We will carry all the lessons and memories until the end. We are now in the closing ceremony, and it feels like just yesterday,” said the delegates from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi.

Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent of Roxas City, represented by Dr. Menia Alvidera, Education Program Supervisor, also a message to the delegates and the whole CAPSU community.

After all the proceedings, a certificate was handed to each of the delegates for successfully completing the 26-day international pre-service teaching, invited guest, campus administrators and satellite directors, deans, mentors of the delegates, DepEd school heads and cooperating teachers for their continued support to the University’s endeavors.

A cultural presentation from the 12 Indonesian SEA-Teacher Student delegates was enjoyed and jived in by some CAPSU faculty members and delegates’ mentors.

Dr. Wennie F. Legario, Vice President for Administration and Finance, formally concluded the program with his final message to the delegates, “Now, as we part ways with our beloved participants, we hope that this is not the end of the connections that we have established with each other and that when we get to see you again one day, we will be seeing great educators that will help make the world a better place.”

The 12 Indonesian delegates were Ovalia Nastika MN, Astrina Nurul Haq, Aulia Ihza Cahya, and Ahmad Sapta Seno Permadi from the Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi; Annisa Nur Ramadhani and Rania Khairunnisak of the Universitas Ahmad Dahlan; Muhammad Farhan Algifariz, Larasati Ika Budi, and Nur Baeti Legah Wahidah of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Porwokerto; and Nur Salwa Nisrina, Panisyah Nasyro Janna Erpapalemlah, and Devin Akbar Albany from the Sriwijaya University.

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