The Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Program is a professional course involved in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases of animals, including terrestrial and aquatic animals. The program includes courses on general education, basic science, zootechnics (animal science) and veterinary medical science, as well as on professional skills that the graduates need to be able to carry out the duties of safeguarding animal health, public health, the environment, and to be capable of utilizing effectively the tools of communication in the pursuit of further knowledge and in information dissemination of such in both local and international settings.
Program Objectives
- DVM graduates are globally competent in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and control of diseases of different animal species;
- DVM graduates are globally competent to formulate, communicate and implement programs in animal health, animal production, animal health management, food safety, public health, animal welfare and environmental protection and preservation;
- DVM graduates are achievers, team players and leaders in the profession or related fields of practice;
- DVIVi graduates are capable to handle and conduct researches in pharmaceutical, biotechnological and other industrial fields; and
- DVM graduates are capable of imparting knowledge, conducting training and extension services.
Reference: CMO # 1 s. 2018