Two CAPSUnian debaters from the College of Education (COED) at Capiz State University (CAPSU) Roxas City Main Campus concluded their international debate (Idebate) journey as first runner-up in Idebate Season 3 via online on June 8, 2024.
Idebate is an online debate competition organized by the Van Lang University (VLU) in collaboration with The University of Newcastle, Australia; Edge Hill University, UK; Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC), France; and Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia aimed to provide a unique opportunity for students around the globe to showcase their debating skills while raising awareness on important topics.
A total of 26 participating schools across the globe competed in the said competition.
James Zedric Arancillo, a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science graduating student and Camille Ann R. Dicon, a Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English incoming 2nd year student were the University’s representatives.

Advancing to the championship round, the CAPSU delegation was the sole representative of the Philippines among the 4 other finalists to debate the motion on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in British Parliamentary debate format.
The judges were Dr. Azriey Mazlan, Consul Education, Education Malaysia; Mr. Eric Hertzler, Vice Dean of International Relations at the IAE Paris-Est, School of Management at University Paris Est Créteil; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Thi Kim Oanh, Dean of the Faculty of Environment, VLU; Dr. Huynh Tan Loi, Lecturer at the Faculty of Environment, VLU; and Dr. Nguyen Sy Tuan, Head of the Lab for Computational Mechanics at COSARI, VLU.
: Dr. Hazel D. Joaquin, Dean of the College of Education at CAPSU Roxas City Main Campus