As an affirmation of the quality programs offered in CAPSU Burias Graduate School and to obtain a Certificate of Program Compliance, the Graduate Programs for Agriculture, such as the Master of Science (MS) in Agronomy & Animal Science and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Agronomy and Animal Science in compliance based on CMO 15, series of 2019, has recently undergone rigid face-to-face evaluation by the National Quality Assurance Team, Technical Panel for Agriculture and CHED Regional Office VI last June 13-14, 2024.
The technical panel from the NQAT team was headed by Dr. Aimee Lyn B. Dupo and Dr. Rossana P. Mula, together with Ms. May V. de Mesa-Zapanta, Education Specialist II of CHED – OPSD, and Mr. Paulo C. Cabanero – Education Supervisor II of CHED Region VI.

Dr. Ryan T. Sarimong, the Dean of the College of Agriculture & Forestry – CAPSU Burias and, at the same time, the Program Chairperson for Agronomy, presented the pertinent documents and evidence in various areas required for evaluation for MS and PhD Agronomy Programs. In contrast, Dr. John King N. Layos presented the program profiles of the MS and PhD Animal Science Programs. Both expertly responded to all the panel queries regarding the Office’s internal operations and compliance based on CMO 15, series of 2019.
Also present during the said event were the University Quality Assurance Director, Dr. Rosel L. Dionio, Burias Campus Administrator, Dr. Rodyard B. Madiclum, the QA Chair of Burias Dr. Ma. Venus B. Lozada, the Faculty and Staff of the College of Agriculture and Forestry of the Burias Campus, among others.
Towards the end of the evaluation, Dr. Dupo, the Chair of the Evaluators, presented their findings and congratulated the working team under the leadership of Dr. Sarimong for the concerted efforts and for successfully pulling off this considerable activity for the Grad School.
The College of Agriculture & Forestry – CAPSU Burias would like to thank the continued support of the CAPSU Administration headed by the University President, Dr. Editha C. Alfon, Vice Presidents, and the entire CAPSU Personnel, which made this event successful.