The 21 Indonesian exchange students had successfully completed their 28-day deployment as participants for the 10th Batch of the Southeast Asia (SEA) Pre-Service Student Teacher Exchange Program. A closing and testimonial ceremony for the exchange students was held at the Capiz State University (CAPSU) Dayao Satellite College Covered Gym on February 20, 2025.

Dr. Salvacion J. Legaspi, the Vice President for External Affairs and Linkages, led the welcoming of the attendees to the ceremony. In her message, she reminded the exchange students about the importance of this program. “You are now part of a growing network of passionate educators who will continue to advocate for quality and inclusive education. The friendship and collaboration forged in this program will serve as bridges that connect our nations.”, Dr. Legaspi said.

CAPSU President Dr. Efren Linan shared an inspirational message to the exchange students thru a parable of a bird that just learned to fly and unexpectedly transported to a vast desert. Dr. Linan likened the experience of the students to the bird, who must learn to adapt to a completely new environment until she found its way home. “Stepping outside your comfort zones and embracing new experiences, even if they seem challenging can lead to significant personal growth and a deeper understanding of the world around you. For now, goodbye, but this is a beginning of a new collaboration, new chapter, new partnership in the future.”, Dr. Linan said.

The President also expressed his deepest gratitude to the university key officials, campus administrators and coordinators, partner universities in Indonesia and the cooperating schools in the province of Capiz, for their collective efforts and dedication resulting to the success of this program.

Dr. Marien A. Laureto, University Director for International and National Affairs also delivered a message of appreciation to all the individuals involved for the success of this program. “Your support and guidance had been invaluable. Our collaboration has been key in providing a welcoming and enriching environment for our exchange students. Your support has made all the difference.”, Dr. Laureto said. She also congratulated the exchange students and wished them all the best.

Other CAPSU key officials also graced the event including Dr. Mary Ann B. Martelino, Vice President for Administration and Finance and Dr. Annalie G. Campos, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Campus administrators and directors were also present namely Dr. Cleo Jude A. Joaquin, Main Campus Focal Person; Dr. Rodyard B. Madiclum of Burias Campus; Dr. Nilo D. Delfin of Dayao Satellite College; Dr. Jennifer P. Benliro of Pilar Satellite College; Dr. Marie Jean P. Penson of Dumarao Satellite College Director; Dr. Ramy Lloyd L. Lotilla of Mambusao Satellite College; and Dr. Arlene C. Gonzales of Tapaz Satellite College. They were joined by their respective EAL coordinators and program chairs.

School principals and teachers of the cooperating schools in the province also joined the closing program. They were accompanied by representatives from the Department of Education namely Dr. Samuel J. Malayo, OIC – Asst. Schools Division Superintendent and Ms. Yzarda Claudette D. Ballera, Project Development Officer I of the Division of Capiz. A certificate was awarded to the school head in recognition for their support and for graciously hosting the exchange students at their respective schools.

Selected students from the participating Indonesian universities delivered their heartfelt appreciation messages. The experiences they shared truly touched the audience, especially their mentors whom had been with them since their arrival. “This program has truly been an amazing experience for me and for the rest of the participants. We are all gathered here with mixed emotions, we are happy that we will finally go home, but also we are sad as we are going to say goodbye to all the beautiful faces here.”, said by Mr. Dennis Rahmatullah Asral from Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA).

The university awarded certificates to the exchange students for participating and completing their 28-day program. They also received souvenir as a remembrance of their memorable and fruitful stay here in Capiz.

A cultural presentation was performed by the exchanged students and was joined by some students from the Dayao Satellite College.

This 10th Batch of the SEA Teacher program is comprised of the following exchanged students: Ms. Yoseci Khairunnisa Herdiansyah and Ms. Zakiyyah Salsabila from Universitas Muhammadiyah Kotabumi (UMKO); Ms. Salsa Bil Allzahra, Ms. Yasmin Zalivia Adindafa, Ms. Adinda Novi Ramadhani, Mr. Dennis Rahmatullah Asral and Ms. Chelsea Malva Annantyo from Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA); Ms. Monique Saudale, Ms. Delsy M. N. Su’I, Mr. Mario Noven Ndu, Ms. Angel Lilo and Ms. Alexandra G. Taek from Universitas Nusa Cendana (UNDANA); Mr. Muntoha Sururi, Mr. I Putu Bagus Wira S., Ms. Yustiniani Lusia Pandango and Ms. Farih Salma from Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta (UMBY); and Mr. Naufal Hamid, Ms. Syafiyah Qothrunada, Ms. Sabrina Attaya Alif, Mr. Derly Syahputra and Ms. Anggista Malya Putri from Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD).

| via Frederick D. Almeida, CAPSU-PIO
