As the graduates were about receive their diploma and turn their tassel, Capiz State University (CapSU) – Main Campus held a Baccalaureate Mass at Dadivas Gymnasium on June 13, 2024.

Very Rev. Msgr. Regie A. Pamposa as the officiate of the Mass for Catholic attendees, stressed the danger that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has brought to the students and its aftereffects.
“You are not artificial—you are better than AI—you are a human being,” he pointed out to the students.
Dr. Susan O. Dangan welcomed the guests and graduates. Then, University President Editha C. Alfon delivered her welcoming message to both the Baccalaureate Mass and Academic Investiture Ceremony which was then followed by the mass in the same venue.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to conquer the world,” she stated.

Consequently, it was then followed by the Investiture of Hoods assisted by Dr. Alfon and Dr. Dangan together with Dr. Wennie F. Legardo, Dr. Efren L. Linan, and Dr. Mary Ann B. Martelino.
Meanwhile, a Baccalaureate Mass for Non-Catholic attendees was also held in the afternoon at the same setting.

Rev. Joseph Vargas gave emphasis to the graduates on being their own now.
“But you have to learn how to face the reality sometimes and that—you will face challenges,” he remarked.
Moreover, Joyce Baroa and Rica Mae Pablo also gave their testimony amidst the mass.
On the other hand, graduation ceremony will be held tomorrow, June 14, 2024 at Dadivas Gym. | Via Jaylesa Grace Zapico and Rhea Jane Anala
Photos by: Ryan Panganiban