On 22 January 2024, the Capiz State University Research, Development, and Extension (RDE) office conducted a Manual Validation held at the CapSU Central Board Room, Roxas City.

The Manual Validation was participated by the RDE Directors, Research and Extension Chairs, and staff from the different satellite colleges and campuses of CapSU.

In his Opening remarks, Dr. Efren L. Linan, Vice-President for RDE, opined that “It is high time that the RDE’s Manual be revisited and validated due to the many changes that have transpired over the years, from ISO Standards, CHED Memorandums and the shift in research and extension efforts and initiatives. Revising the RDE’s Manual is highly needed.”

Dr. Leo Andrew B. Biclar, University Research Director, presented the Rationale of the Activity. Dr. Biclar also spearheaded the Manual revision and validation.

Generally, the activity aims to (a) Update manuals to address the latest regulations and safety standards, (b) Improve overall clarity and readability for better understanding and reduce misinterpretation, and (c) Evaluate manuals for outdated or incorrect information, with a focus on safety and compliance.

Using the Manual Validation activity, the Research, Development, and Extension office looks forward to more precise, efficient, and effective services to its clientele.
